Monday, March 10, 2008

A Good Lesson

Yesterday I heard a very helpful sermon. We are studying through Luke on Sunday mornings, and it has been extremely helpful. Yesterday, he preached on part of Luke 9, preaching about the Transfiguration, the demon that the disciples could not cast out, the argument over who was the greatest, the turning away of the little children, and the disciples trying to stop a man who was casting out demons. Jesus' disciples made so many mistakes, and I am impressed by Jesus' patience with them. We can learn a lot from the individual mistakes themselves, and maybe sometime I will post on that. Today, however, think about Jesus' patience. We often think that we cannot serve the Lord because we won't be able to do everything He requires. We are right - we won't. We will likely be a lot like the disciples and make many mistakes, but thanks be to our God, he forgives us and is so patient with us. If we humbly try to please Him, turning to Him for help, He gives us the strength, grace and mercy needed, and we can please Him!


momawake said...

Thanks for the encouraging post. And praise God for His mercy and kindness to us!


Mom to Anyone said...

And look how those men turned out. Now that is an interesting concept. I've been thinking and reading lately about child rearing. Your comments mirror to some degree the content of my endeavor. Jesus, the Master teacher and nurturer!

Mom said...

God's patience is not governed by time, it is governed by love. Even though He knows the past and the future His love waits and waits, but does not always intervene. He will also administer what we call "tough love" when needed. This is reserved for the rebellious. Those of us who are doing our best bring from God unmeasurable diluges of patience powered by His love. Thanks you for sharing a great lesson.